
Measurement solutions to collect reliable field spatial data for all types of utility disciplines including electric, gas, water, pipeline and telecom.
Our TruPulse® laser rangefinders do not require reflectors, eliminating much of the time investment needed to collect field data.

Efficient Workflow. Accurate Data.

Each specialization in electric utilities has a different workflow, and varied application of skills. Laser Tech’s TruPulse® line of laser rangefinders are compact enough to fit in a vest pocket, boast superior optics giving you the ability to measure directly to a conductor, and have onboard calculations for the work you do. So however your workflow looks, these solutions save you field time by reducing the equipment you might need to carry around (like height sticks) or extra work required like placing a reflector on the wire.

Site Inspection / Pole Audits

NESC regulations and permits require space management on utility poles for communication, supply, and safety zones to be measured and recorded accurately, and taken periodically.

Pole audits/surveys are conducted by field workers to ensure all assets on a utility pole do not present dangers and are to code. Inspectors evaluate sagging wires, attachments to the pole, height of attachments and distance between them, and whether not there is any vegetation or any other possible dangers close to the poles and wires.

From GNSS remote locations, wire separation, attachment heights of assets, roadway clearances to measuring span, and line sag to adjacent poles, LTI’s solution is easy to learn, safe to operate, simple to record, and quick to transfer back to the office.

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Vegetation Management

NESC guidelines for adequate vegetation clearance around power lines prevent major power outages caused by trees hitting the lines and the resulting property damage from fires. TruPulse laser rangefinders have been the go-to solution for many years because they are easy to use, provide repeatable results, and offer unmatched flexibility in the field. Confidently measure the right-of-way widths, heights of trees, encroaching vegetation, and tree to conductor clearances.

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Clearance & Sag Profile

Determine upgrade capacity and power efficiency for existing power lines, accurately tension newly constructed lines and assess conductor clearance over roadways. Our reflectorless TruPulse laser rangefinders quickly and easily measure spans, widths, heights for clearances, and collect all the data you need to calculate sag and tension.

LaserSoft Sag Profiler Solution

Sag Profiler is a field data collection app program that electric utility professional use to measure the span, sag, and tension of conductor wires. Directly measure to conductors hanging between two attachment points.

LaserSoft Conductor Clearance Solution:

Vegetation management is just one of thousands of applications that need to measure a clearance value. You may need to know the clearance under a bridge or the distance between 2 remote points.

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Water, Gas & Pipeline

Asset and facility mapping is a critical element in the pipeline industry when undertaking a major GIS project. Avoid dangerous trench terrain and the hassle of obtaining permission from landowners to locate your above ground and buried assets. Occupying dangerous or hard-to-reach areas is an easily overcome obstacle with the addition of TruPulse laser rangefinders to your GNSS location workflow. GIS apps can calculate remote coordinate locations for all features within sight.

Laser measurement systems acquire non-contact data directly to your features from a safe location for:

  • Creating locations for welds, seams, and other features that will be buried.
  • Reducing your liability by ensuring your buried assets are mapped accurately.
  • Verify property and ROW dimensions.
  • Check grade on slopes of trenches


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Precise network design, signal strength optimization, and inventory positioning all demand proper tower placement. From a safe location, TruPulse laser rangefinders efficiently acquire measurements directly to attachment points, conductors, vegetation, or anywhere along the lines. Make your job easier and safer by measuring directly to all types of targets without the need for a reflector.


We can help you keep your worksite safe and productive. By working with experts in your industry, in your area, you get the right solutions.