LaserSoft® Face Profiler

SKU: 7034695 Category:

Use the Face Profiler system for Android™ mobile devices to meet the challenges that blast design professionals encounter when managing our natural resources.

Try the Face Profiler app today with a full-featured 30-day free trial period. Licensing is a one-time purchase with no recurring fees.


The LaserSoft® Face Profiler app calculates bench heights, minimum and optimum burdens, drill hole angles and offsets, hole depths and more. Pair with our TruPulse® laser rangefinders to accurately measure profiles and minimize the risk fly rock and vibration incidents. Capture and store laser measured profiles with the app – and then produce MSHA compliant depth and burden reports.

Reduce production delays and increase safety with this quick and easy intuitive workflow:

  • Follow the steps with graphical prompts for every shot.
  • Take shots to the toe and crest to establish the bench height.
  • Create a 2-D profile of the rock face by shooting the laser at points all down the wall.

Face Profiler is available for Android devices. Try the Face Profiler app today with a full-featured 30-day free trial period. Licensing is a one-time purchase with no recurring fees.

Face Profiler app on Google Play

Optional desktop reporting software is also available.

Android™ is a trademark of Google LLC


Operating Systems:Android™
Supported Devices:Please check the Google Play Store for the latest compatibility
Compatible Hardware:TruPulse® 200X, TruPulse 200, TruPulse 360R, TruPulse 360
Optional: MapStar® TruAngle®
Supported Languages:English; template is available for translation



Face Profiler BrochureDownload
Face Profiler Android User GuideDownload
Face Profiler v6.2 PC Install (zip) FileDownload
Mining & Construction BrochureDownload

Primary Applications

Mining: Blast Design

Key Features

One-Time Purchase - Lifetime Support

One Person Operation

Save time and resources with a system that can be operated safely by just one person.

Touch Screen Activiation

Face Profiler software is easy to navigate with intuitive icons and simple taps on the screen.

X, Y, Z Coordinates

Using a TruPulse 360° /R with a built-in compass or a MapStar® TruAngle® establishes coordinates for your measurement origin.

Capture Laser Measurements in seconds

Create & Review Multiple Profiles

Check Calculations & Make Adjustments in the field

  • Remove slough at toe and overburden at crest from burden calculations
  • Calculate burdens by entering the hole offset or by shooting in the hole location
  • Determine drill hole placement and angle for a specified minimum or optimum burden
  • Reshoot the crest and toe shots at any time to adjust bench height

View Real-time 2D Graphical Profile with an Interactive Screen

  • Tap anywhere in the profile to View depth and burden details
  • Delete shots, edit the profile, and measure to seams in the face
  • Take a photo to enhance your profile data
  • Accommodate for bench corners by shooting in multiple profiles per borehole

Create Reports in minutes and an optional desktop program

  • Calculate, adjust, and print reports in the field or with a larger view on your desktop
  • Print multiple profiles per page, print a detailed list of all your profiles in a single job or print to PDF
  • Review and edit depth and burden data or shot coordinates at any time

Accompanying hardware is accurate, lightweight and easy to set up

Obtain highly accurate results in less time than any alternative measurement system on the market. The TruPulse® 200X and TruPulse® 360° R laser rangefinders are extremely durable, rugged, and waterproof.


  • One-time Purchase - Lifetime Support
  • Generate reports in PDF, TXT, CSV, GPX, and KML formats for data processing
  • Conductor Height procedures to verify clearance over a roadway, under a line, or above the high brush line
  • Missing Line or Point-to-Point workflow for measuring the distance and angle between any two points
  • Point-to-Line sequence for calculating the distance and angle between a point and a line segment
  • Streamlined Laser and GPS connection screens